Metal Roofing Supply

Pros and Cons of Engineered Metal Buildings

By June 30, 2016 No Comments

In a previous post, we discussed the pros and cons of metal buildings, but today, we’ll take a look at engineered metal buildings specifically. The challenges are similar to those faced with custom designed metal structures, but there are some different benefits and disadvantages to working with a pre-engineered metal structure.

What is an Engineered Metal Structure?

An engineered metal structure is one designed and pre-constructed by the metal company, rather than the individual purchasing the building. The designs are less customized and are, typically, utilitarian. They’re best for individuals looking to create a building quickly with minimal construction and effort. Like most metal buildings, engineered metal structures come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small storage sheds to full-size warehouses.


The Pros:

  • Engineered metal buildings often cut down on costs, both in design and in construction. Because the design elements have already been constructed before the customer orders the building, there’s not a lot of additional money that must go towards adding custom elements.
  • Construction happens more quickly. With faster construction time, you’ll save both time and money.
  • Engineered buildings are easy to add onto because they are easily modified. With minimal customization going into the design, it’s easy to add an additional engineered structure when you need to expand your workspace.


The Cons:

  • While it is more affordable, it may not provide the most structural integrity for your property. Engineered buildings are designed based on what works for most properties. Since each site is different, you may find that your project is best suited to a customized design.
  • Added insulation will cost you money. Engineered buildings are built with minimal insulation and may not be the most energy efficient option due to their simple design. Adding insulation can help save you on utility bills, but it may not be the cheapest option.

Whether you’re looking for an engineered building or already have a design in mind, JAG Metals LLC is here to help you get the structure you need. Contact us today!

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